Mississippi State Visit
The Joys of Fall
Luke, Jackson, and Nana explored the fields around Appomattox Courthouse.
Nana and Pop with the boys. We had so much fun together, enjoying the beautiful weather and each other's company.
Nana and Pop pose with a pumpkin in front of the apple trees.
Luke and Jackson with the pumpkins they picked off the vine.
Jr. High RYM
Chipper Jones...I mean Whelan.
Luke started swimming lessons last week at our city pool. He's learning to jump off the side through the hula hoop.
L & J don't need a pool at all. Just dump the toys out of the Rubbermaid tub and fill it with water.
I don't think Jackson is that skinny--he's gasping because the water is so cold!
After Jennifer's shower
The guest of honor, Jennifer Conley, is in the pink floral shirt, and the other ladies and myself hosted a shower for her to celebrate the arrival of her baby girl in August. Jennifer and I have been close since our sophomore year in high school, and it's been a blessing to share all the big moments of life--and lots of little ones--together! She will be a wonderful mommy.