Luke had his preschool program today. I am happy to report that he sang the songs and did the motions. He didn't seem to suffer any stage fright at all. It was so precious to watch him and his little buddies up there. It's hard to pick him out without being able to see his hair, so I'll help you out. He is wearing a maroon hat and a red button down shirt in the picture above.

As if there isn't enough going on this time of year, we decided to start the house-hunting process last Thursday. We found the perfect house for us almost immediately, and we went ahead and made an offer. It was accepted and we're closing Jan.11! We're thrilled. We'll have three bedrooms, two baths, a full, finished basement, a great deck and yard, and even a pool table thrown into the deal.
Next week we leave to visit family... so merry Christmas! I hope you are celebrating the Love that came down to us in Christ that first Christmas day. Rejoice, rejoice, Immanuel shall come to thee, O Israel!