
Welcome Mat

Well, I've done it: I've jumped on the blog bandwagon! It's a commitment that I have thought way too much about, as I tend to do. I couldn't decide if I should really commit myself to being the reporter and photographer of our family, making us accessible to anyone who might browse their way on to our little site. But I decided the benefits outweigh all that. We will be able to share our journey from Mississippi to Virginia, give everyone a glimpse of our life there, and hopefully keep in touch with friends and family on a more consistent basis. A little note about our blog title: We came up with it after Shane returned from junior high RYM (Reformed Youth Movement, a camp in Panama City) last week with a story from the RUF campus minister at UT. He was friends with another minister who visited children with Down's Syndrome at a home supported by Moody Bible Institute. One day the building manager came to the minister and asked, "Do you know what our number-one maintenance request is in this building?" The minister replied that he had no idea. The building manager said, "It's that we clean the windows on the east side of the building." He explained, "Every morning the children wake up, go the window, and press their hands and faces against the windows because they know that the Bible says when Jesus comes back, He will come from the east. They are looking for Him." What an example for us to imitate. Shane and I want to be constantly looking eastward, ready and waiting for Him to return.